A new study conducted by the Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre (FIAL) has indicated Australia can halve food wastage by 2030.
Over the past year, FIAL has developed a National Food Wastage Strategy to analyse the potential for implementing the target.
According to the report, 51 per cent of food waste takes place in the consumption stage which include hospitality foodservices.
In order to achieve the target, the report states that intervention of food wastage needs to be carried out by government, industry and community.
An policy-led incentive sees that for every dollar spent on food waste interventions $7 dollars will be given back, which adds up to a whopping $39 billion to industry.
Currently, major food businesses are meeting close to zero food waste targets.
The road map plan encourages a 50 per cent reduction of food wastage among the food and hospitality sector by 2030.
The majority of changes are to be made in business operations in the food sector, from implementing new practices to simple behavioural changes.
Image Credit: Food Innovation Australia Limited Facebook
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