How Employsure can help you do business better

“Yaaasss I can’t wait to write a risk assessment!” Said no-one ever. Human relations, employee relations, brain drain, (whatever you want to call it) and WHS isn’t the love of most business owner’s lives.

Yet, the paperwork is the glue that holds all the joyful stuff together. Without an effective infection policy, correct compliance with Awards, or an up-to-date risk assessment, a business can be left wide open for incidents which can close down a workplace overnight.

Let’s imagine a busy CBD restaurant, they haven’t updated their risk assessment since staff became ‘vaccine police’. One evening, a group booking arrives, unfortunately the ‘birthday boy’ doesn’t have his Proof of Vaccination.

The newest and youngest of the waiting staff bravely tells the group that he regretfully cannot dine there. The group quickly become hostile and rowdy. One of the bartenders attempts to ‘handle things’ by telling them to get out. Other diners try to leave rapidly as it escalates, an elderly woman is hurt in the crush as people disperse out the front entrance too quickly.

Is it the restaurant’s fault she got hurt? Or the rowdy groups? Could the waitress make a claim for her health and safety? Customer aggression is considered a hazard in the workplace and it’s the employer’s responsibility to minimise hazards.

It’s easy to see how being able to prove that your business follows protocols is important. That you have trained your staff how to handle hostility from customers, how you’ve set up incident procedures and that you can present an up-to-date risk assessment, all so crucial to operating within best business practices.

You wouldn’t grow your own limes or blow your own glassware, so why do so many smaller businesses still choose to do their own employment relations paperwork?

Of course, cost is a factor, but it’s only when you’ve got lawsuits and claims against you that you regret making your own glassware! (Honestly, it was a fantastic idea though in theory…designing that handle-less glass coffee mug!)

When outsourcing a company to do your WHS and HR, what do you need to look for? Well, a company available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, is certainly a good starting point. And how about a company that has over 30,000 clients in ANZ?

That’s tens of thousands of problems that have been solved before they get to yours. Experience is priceless. A company with their own exclusive legal firm would also be a massive tick! Have you heard of Employsure?

Employsure ticks all these boxes and more, they stand by their advice and can help you should you find yourself faced with a claim.

Employsure has been described by many as ‘our external HR dept!’ Helping smaller businesses with customised employee contracts, WHS policies, and legal protection. Calculating complicated wages, preparing risk assessments, and even guiding employers through disciplinaries are all ways Employsure helps.

With affordable monthly subscriptions, 24/7 unlimited advice and document help, what are you waiting for?

Find out how Employsure can help your business and enable you to spend more time on menu creation, interacting with your customers or even getting home a bit earlier.