Tired of spending huge amounts of money on recruitment services or websites that deliver few and/or very poor results?
In an industry like hospitality, where staff turnover is often high and margins are very low, operators need to be able to find the right employees, and quickly.
The new look Chef Jobs website has recently launched, connecting Australian restaurants, cafes and other hospitality businesses with job seekers.
As an industry specific recruitment service with over 10 years’ experience in the marketplace, Chef Jobs is doing away with the notion that businesses should only embark on the recruitment process once a position is made available. The site’s Resume Collection service allows applicants’ details and resumes to be filed according to job title/position, meaning businesses can build their own database of relevant jobseekers – regardless of whether or not they’re actively seeking new employees.
At Chef Jobs, businesses can be on display all the time, and what’s more – unlike generic recruitment websites, Chef Jobs allows them to more clearly communicate their offering, ethos and aspirations. Employers can list more information and share images and logos on their page, as well as the role or roles they’re looking to fill. They can also shed light on their business’ kitchen set-up, its brigade, and the specifics of the market it targets. This enables chefs and other foodservice professionals to make a more informed decision on whether or not they should submit their resume. This in turn results in better quality leads for the employer.
Foodservice operators are constantly being told of the importance of developing a strong database of customers to which they should promote their business and drive patronage. Chef Jobs is taking it one step further, encouraging individual businesses to promote themselves as an employer of choice, regardless of where they are in the recruitment cycle.
As a subscriber of Hospitality magazine Chef Jobs is offering nine months for FREE! To take advantage of this offer purchase a three month advertising campaign with the Resume Collection add-on and email your paid invoice to the Chef Jobs team. You will then enjoy 12 months of promoting your brand whilst building your database and recruiting all at the same time.
Get started here.
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